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Class 09 Animal tissue Quiz Biology

  Attempt Quiz 1. The muscular tissue which function throughout the life continuously without fatigue is A. skeletal muscle B. cardiac muscle 2. While doing work and running, you move your organs such as hands, legs, etc., which among the following is correct? A. skeletal muscles contract and pull the tendon to move the bones B. skeletal muscles contract and pull the ligament to move the bones 3. Voluntary muscles are found in A. iris of the eye B. alimentary canal C. bronchi of lungs D. limbs 4. A person met with an accident in which two long bones of hand were dislocated. Possible reason is broken A. Tendon B. Cartilage C. Ligament 5. Bone matrix is rich in A. calcium and phosphorus B calcium and potassium 6. Which of the following helps in repair of tissue and fills up the space inside the organ? A. Adipose tissue B. Areolar tissue 7. Fats are stored in human body in A. Adipose tissue B. Areolar tissue 8. Cartilage is not found in A. Ear B. Nose C. kidney D. Larynx 9. Which is t...

Biology class IX Ch-07. Diversity in Living Organisms solved Questions New

Diversity in Living Organisms solved CBSE Paper-5 Oswal Question Bank Diversity in Living Organisms         Do wnload File Very Answer type Questions [1 mark each]   1.State the phylum to which centipede and prawn belong. (Board 2013) Answer: Arthropoda.          2. In which kingdom would you place an organism which is single called, eukaryotic and photo- synthetic? (Board 2013) Answer:  Protista. 3.Rewrite the scientific name correctly : (i) panthera tigris (ii) periplaneta Americana. (Board 2012.,  501004) Answer:  (i) Panthers tign's  (ii) Periplaneta americana. 4.Name the term which is used for the following (i) The left and right halves of the body have the same design. (ii) Animal tissue defferentiate from the three embryonic germ layers. (Board 2012, 501005; 47023) Answer:  (i) Bilaterally symmetrical. (ii) Triploblastic.    ...

Improvement in Food Resources class 9 fully solved question from CBSE Exam paper

CBSE solved ,unsolved test papers,Notes, Assignments and Guess Papers : First Term: Improvement in Food Resources. Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management; use of fertilizers, manures; protection from pests and diseases; organic farming. SA-I (2013) TLPEK7V 1. Mention two climatic conditions essential for different crops for growth and completion of their life cycle. 1 Ans: Temperature and photoperiods. 2. “Green Revolution of 1960 is a boon by itself”. List three steps that may be initiated to increase crop production 3 Ans: The major groups of activities for improving crop yields can be classified as: (a) Crop variety improvement (b)Crop production improvement (c) Crop protection management. 3. In what ways internal parasites like worms and flukes and external parasites cause harm to the cattle’s. 3 Ans: External parasite – Skin diseases; worms – affect stomach and intestine; Flukes – damage liver 4. Explain the mean...

Natural Resources class 9 CBSE NCERT Questions with solutions

CBSE NCERT Questions with solutions Q. State the role of the atmosphere in climate control? Ans: Atmosphere prevents sudden increase in temperature during the day light hours. It slows down the escape of heat into outer space during the night. Q. How is acid rain caused ? Ans: The fossil fuels like coal and petroleum/contain small amounts of nitrogen and sulphur/When the fossil fuels are burnt,/nitrogen and sulphur are burnt/and produces different oxides of nitrogen and sulphur/When these oxides dissolve in rain it gives rise to acid rain. Q. What are the different ways in which water gets polluted ? How does it affect the life forms ? Ans: (a) The addition of undesirable substances like fertilizers and pesticides, mercury salts in water/can cause cholera produced by the bacteria. (b) The removable of desired substances like oxygen from the water/adversely affect the aquatic organisms. (c) A sudden change in temperature in water bodies/would be dangerous and effect the...

9th Natural Resources-Questions from recent Board Exam with answer

Question: Why plants do not utilize nitrogen directly from atmosphere? Ans. Most of the plants cannot utilise nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. They use nitrogen only when it is converted into nitrates and nitrites by the process nitrogen fixation. Question: Name the substance that reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in water. Ans. Excessive growth of phytoplanktons reduces dissolved oxygen level in water Question: Name the organisms found to be very sensitive to the levels of contaminants like sulphur dioxide in the air. Ans. Lichens Question: What do you understand by the term ‘Natural resources’? Ans. Natural resources are the variety of substances that human beings get from the nature to meet their basic needs. Question: What is strip-cropping? Ans. Strip-cropping is the planting of crops in rows or strips to check flow of water. It is practiced in the sloping areas of hills to check soil erosion Question: What is greenhouse effect? How is it caused? Ans. Greenho...

9th Animal kingdom- Diversity of living organism

Animal kingdom: It consists of organisms which are eukaryotic, multicellular and heterotrophic. Their ells do not have cell-walls. Most animals are mobile. Animal kingdom classified on the basis of the following points: Arrangement of cells, body symmetry, nature of coelom, patterns of digestive, circulatory or reproductive systems KINGDOM ANIMALIA Animalia  are further classified as Non- Chordates( Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes , Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata) and Chordates { Protochordata, Vertebrata ( Pisces, Amphibians, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia)} Non- Chordates  Porifera: Organisms of this group have holes or ‘pores’, all over the body and therefore known as sponges. They are mainly found in marine habitats Pores helps in circulating water throughout the body to bring in food oxygen and removal of waste. They are hermaphrodite i.e., eggs and sperms are produced by the same individual. Sponges reproduce asexu...

Diversity in Living Organisms Solved Questions class 9

Plants Kingdom           Question: 1. Why do we classify organisms?   Answer:- we classify organisms to understand characteristics of life form on the earth. Question: 2. Give three examples of the range of variations that you see in life forms around you. ·       Answer:- Three examples of the range of variations in life forms: ·          Bacteria is microscopic where as Red wood tree is giant ·          pine trees live for years where as mosquito for few days ·          Variety of flower having different colors Question: 3. which do you think is a more basic characteristic for classifying organisms? (a) The place where they live.   (b) The kind of cells they are made of. Why? Answer: The kind of cells an organism is made of is more basic characteri...