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Organic Food: Separating Fact from Fiction_Jsunil Sir

O Organic Food: Separating Fact from Fiction Organic food is something people talk about a lot these days. Some people say it's really good for your health, while others think it costs too much money. In this blog post, we'll talk about organic food and what makes it different from regular food. Some people think that organic food costs a lot more money than regular food. They believe that it is healthier and worth the extra cost. But other people think that organic food is not necessary and can be too expensive. Organic food is grown in a special way without chemicals that can hurt bugs or plants. Farmers who grow organic food follow special rules and use labels to show that their food is organic. At first, only small companies made organic food. But as more people wanted organic food, big companies that made regular food started making organic food too. This shows that more people like organic food now. People are talking about whether organic food is safer and healthier. Som