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Improvement in Food Resources class 9 fully solved question from CBSE Exam paper

CBSE solved ,unsolved test papers,Notes, Assignments and Guess Papers : First Term: Improvement in Food Resources. Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management; use of fertilizers, manures; protection from pests and diseases; organic farming.

SA-I (2013) TLPEK7V

1. Mention two climatic conditions essential for different crops for growth and completion of their life cycle. 1

Ans: Temperature and photoperiods.

2. “Green Revolution of 1960 is a boon by itself”. List three steps that may be initiated to increase crop production 3

Ans: The major groups of activities for improving crop yields can be classified as:

(a) Crop variety improvement (b)Crop production improvement (c) Crop protection management.

3. In what ways internal parasites like worms and flukes and external parasites cause harm to the cattle’s. 3

Ans: External parasite – Skin diseases; worms – affect stomach and intestine; Flukes – damage liver

4. Explain the meaning of ‘milch’ and ‘draught animals. Mention the scientific name of common Indian cow. 3

Ans: Milk-producing females are called milch animals (dairy animals) like cow , while the ones used for farm labour are called draught animals like ox,donkey.

The scientific name of common Indian cow is Bos indicus

5. (a) Differentiate between mixed cropping and inter-cropping. Give one example of each.
    (b) How is crop-rotation different from the above two ?
    (c) Mention the factors that are taken into consideration for deciding choice of crops for inter     

         cropping and crop rotation. Also mention one advantage of each of these cropping patterns.

Ans: (a) In mixed cropping two or more crops are grown simultaneously. For eg wheat + gram

Inter - cropping - two or more crops are grown simultaneously on the same field in a definite pattern. For eg, soyabean +maize

(b) In crop rotation different crops are grown on a piece of land in a pre-planned succession. 

Depending upon duration of crop rotation is done for different crop combination.

(c) Inter- Cropping - crops are selected such that their nutrient requirements are different. This ensures maximum utilization of the nutrients supplied and prevents pests and diseases from spreading to all plants - thus better returns.

Crop - rotation - Availability of moisture and irrigation facilities Two or more crops can be grown in a year with good harvest

SA-I (2013) NK9FZA3

1. Mention the significance of sun hemp in the crop variety improvement process.1

Ans: Sun hemp is a green plant that turn into green manure which helps in enriching the soil in nitrogen and phosphorus.

2. What is organic farming? List its four advantages. 3

Ans: Organic farming is a farming system with minimal or no use of chemicals as fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc with a maximum input of organic manures.


(a) Farm wastes (straw and livestock excreta) are recycled.

(b) Bio agents such as culture of blue green algal are used in the preparation of bio fertilizers.

(c) Neem leaves or turmeric is used as a bio pesticide in storage of grains.

(d) Healthy cropping systems such as mixed cropping inter cropping and crop rotation are beneficial in insect, pest and weed control besides providing nutrients.

3 (a) List three factors on which cultivation practices and crop yield depends.
   (b) Name three stages involved in farming practices. 3

Ans: (a) Biotic and abiotic resistance, change in maturity duration, wider adaptability.

        (b) Crop variety improvement, crop production improvement, crop protection management.

4. (a) Farmer A wants to grow fodder crops while farmer B wants to grow cereals. Mention the agronomic characteristics which the two farmer would desire in their respective crops. 5
(b) List any four other factors for which variety improvement is done.
(c) Name and define the process of incorporating desirable characteristics into crops.

Ans: (a) For fodder crop – Tallness and profuse branching and Cereal crop - Dwarfness

(b) Higher yield, biotic and abiotic resistance, changes in maturity duration, Improved quality, wider adaptability.

(c) Hybridization. : It is the process of crossing between genetically dissimilar plants.

SA-1(2014) LACWASE
1. India is a country with three fourth of the population engaged in agriculture. Even though financial conditions of some farmers do allow them to take higher level farming practices and improved agriculture technology, yet they are hesitant to use of HYV seeds with traits such as resistance to disease and pests, high quality that would results finally in higher yield. [3]

(i) What is meant by genetically modified crops ?
(ii) What are the desired agronomic characters for fodder and cereal crops ?
(iii) In your opinion what should be done so that the modern agriculture technology is adopted by most of the farmers ?

Ans: (i) To get desired traits in a crop (ii) Fodder – profuse branching, cereal – dwarfness

(iii) encourage scientific temper, awareness, use of knowledge

2. Define ‘Rain water Harvesting’ and ‘Water shed management’ and state one advantage of each. [3]

Ans: Rainwater harvesting is a technique used for collecting, storing and using rainwater for irrigation and other uses. The rainwater is collected from various hard surfaces such as roof tops and/or other manmade aboveground hard surfaces.

Watershed management: The management of water resources in an certain area. It is done to increase the utility of rainwater by building small check-dams . The check-dams stop the rainwater from flowing away and also reduce soil erosion.

3. ow does maximum utilization of available resources be ensured in composite fish farming ? Mention its limitation? Discuss how this limitation of composite fish culture can be overcome? [5]

Ans: The maximum utilization of available resources be ensured in composite fish farming by using of number of fish varieties in a single pond to prevent competition for resources. Each one must have different feeding zones.

Limitation – The major problem in fish farming is the lack of availability of good quality seed.

To overcome this problem, fishes are allowed to breed in ponds using hormonal stimulation. This has ensured the supply of pure fish seed in desired quantities.

4. what is hormonal stimulation in fish and how is it done in fish?
Ans: Hormonal stimulation of fishes is done to mature sex cells artificially. Hormones and methods used for stimulation slightly vary for different species of fishes. Hormone that could be used for stimulation is Luteinizing hormone (LH) that trigger ovulation.

5. In an experiment to test the presence of starch in a sample of food the wrong step is :[1]

(a) Take foodstuff like potato or rice
(b) Crush food in boiling water
(c) Add iodine powder in test tube (Ans)
(d) Pour mixture in the test tube

6. Rohit was trying to test the presence of starch in potato extract. He forgot the reagent with which starch gives blue black colour. Help him to select the correct stain from the following :[1]

(a) Safranin 
 (b) Methylene blue
c) Iodine solution (ans) 
 (d) Eosin

7. What do you mean by the term sustainable development?

Ans: Sustainable development means to meet the needs of present generation ,without foreclosing the options of future generation, to keep balance between development and environment.

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SA-1(2014) 7 EKSMTL

1. Sohnapur, a small village, where crops were dependent on rain. Villagers were at the mercy of monsoon. To prevent crop failure they discussed the matter in the panchayat and wanted to do some havan to appease Rain Gods. But Rakesh who was studying in class IX, advised all of them to adopt measures for conserving water and stop crop failure.
(i) If there is low rainfall in a village throughout the year. List at least two measures by which farmers can prevent crop failure in future.
(ii) List two traditional ways of conserving water for irrigation.
(iii) Write two values of Rakesh that have helped the villagers to sail through the difficult times. [3]

Ans: (i) enrich soil with humus to increase water holding capacity, use of drought resistant varieties

(ii) Traditional methods of irrigation involve different ways of obtaining water from wells, lakes, and canals and transporting it to fields with the help of cattle or by human labour like Dhekli, chain and pump,Moat (pully system)

(iiI) critical and analytical thinking, preparedness, cooperation, team work, mutual concern, applying knowledge.

2. Explain intensive fish farming with the help of one example . Write two advantages of this pences. [3]

Ans: Intensive fish farming or in combination with a rice crop so that fish are grown in the water in the paddy field. Both local and imported fish species are used in such system.

Advantages of this process :

(i) Maximum use of resources. (ii) Increase the yield.

3. Define ‘Hybridisation’. Explain the three types of cross-breeding practiced during hybridisation ? What do you mean by genetically modified crops ?

Ans: Hybridisation is way of crossing between genetically dissimilar plants.

a. Intervarietal Hybridization: way of crossing between different varieties

b. Interspecific Hybridization : way of crossing between different species

c. Intergeneric Hybridization : way of crossing between different genera

Genetically Modified Crops (GMC).: Another way of improving the crop is by introducing a gene that would provide the desired characteristic.

4. In a sample of food iodine solution is used to detect the presence of :

(a) Proteins
(b) Starch (ans)
(c) Sugar
(d) Fats

5.Yellow brown colour is the colour of a reagent named :

(a) dil HCl 
 (b) safranin
(c) Iodine solution (ans)
(d) dil sodium hydroxide

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