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CBSE Class-7th Science Fibre to Fabric

CBSE _ NCERT Class-7th Science   Chapter:  Fibre to Fabric Why a cotton garment cannot keep us as warm in winter? Cotton clothes are thin and do not have spaces in which air can be trapped. thus Cotton clothes do not prevents heat coming out of our body. What is a fibre? A fibre is a long strong thread, which is obtained from natural sources or man made sources. Fibres are classified into two types on the basis of their sources. Plant fibres and animal fibres and synthetic fibres . The fibres, which are obtained from plants and animals are called natural fibres e.g., jute and wool. Animal   fibres are obtained from animals, e.g., silk and wool. Those fibres which are made by the human –beings are known as Man-made or Synthetic Fibres, e.g., Rayon. Match the following: 1. Scouring-- >            Cleaning sheared skin 2. Mulberry leaves ->   Food of silkworm 3. Yak ->                   Wool yielding animal 4. Cocoon ->              Yields sil

CBSE NCERT Class 7 Science Nutrition in Plants

Nutrition in Plants Solved question Answer Fill in the blanks: (a) Green plants are called _        autotrophs __ since they synthesize their own food. (b) The foods synthesized by the plants are stored as starch  . (c) In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called ___ chlorophyll (d) During photosynthesis plants take in ____ CO 2 ________ and release _ O 2 Name the following: (i) A parasitic plant with yellow, slender, tubular stem.-------   Cascuta (ii) A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition.---------   Insectivorous  plants (iii) The pores through which leaves exchange gases. ------- Stomata (iv)   A plant that has both autotrophic as well as heterotrophic mode of nutrition. --- Pitcher plant. (v)   An organism that live is an association of an alga and a fungus     ---------- lichen (vi)   Amarbel is an example of: ---- parasites   (vii) The plant which traps and feeds on insects is-----

class06 Cordova Learning Science solution Chapter Nutrition in Animals and Plants

Class 6 Chapter 01 Source of Food (Cordova learning Series Science-6) Fill in the blanks: 1. We get sugar from _Sugarcane________ 2. We get milk from __Cow ____ and ___buffalo______. 3. Honeybees store honey in their ___ honey stomach _________. 4. _Rice __ and ___water___are two ingredients of boiled rice. 5. Animals that eat both plant products and flesh of other animals are called _Omnivores___ 6. Bacteria and fungi are called ____ decompose ____. 7. We should not ___waste_ food in any way. 8. Honeybees are kept in __ beehive ___ for rearing. Very Short Answer Questions: 1. What are the animals that eat only plants and plant products called? Ans: Herbivores 2. Name four food items we get from animals. Ans: Egg, Meat, milk, Ghee 3. Name two edible stems. Ans: Potato , sugarcane 4. What are the materials needed to prepare food items called? Ans: Ingredients 5. What is the rearing of honeybees on a large scale called? Ans: apiculture 6. Name two plants whose flowers are eaten as

Cordova Learning Science class07 Chapter Plant and animal Fibre

B. Fill in the blanks: 1. Alpaca is generally found in South America. 2. Silk and wool fibres are obtained from animals. 3. Silk is obtained from cocoons of silkworm. 4. Natural fibres are obtained from plants and animals. 6. The fewer the burrs, the better is the wool. 7. The eggs are warmed to a suitable temperature in an oven 8. During the period of spinning of its cocoon, a silkworm is transformed into Pupa. C. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Rewrite the false statements correctly: 1. Silk is obtained from cocoons of silkworms. (T) 2. The process of washing the fleece of sheep to remove dust, dirt, sweat and grease is called shearing. False Scouring. 3. The rearing of silkworms for obtaining silk is called sericulture. T 4. The damaged or waste cocoons are used to produce raw silk. F Spun silk D. Very Short Answer Questions: 1. What is the process of removing the burrs from fleece called? Ans. Combing 2. Name any two breeds of sheep found in