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class 10 : How do Organisms Reproduce? Biology CBSE study nores

Reproduction: - Reproduction is the process of formation of new young individuals by the grown up individuals that look very much like them. It is one of the most important and fundamental properties of living organisms by which every kind of living organism multiples to form new individuals of its own kind. Thus, reproduction is meant for the continuation of the species. Reproduction, thus, creates new life and is essential for the perpetuation of species. It gives rise to new organisms with the same basic characteristics as their parents. It plays an important role in evolution by transmitting favorable variations from one generation to another. Significance of Reproduction:- 1.      Continuation of Life.  Reproduction is essential for continuation of life on earth. In its absence   life will be wiped out of earth within span of some years. 2.      Perpetuation of Species.  Reproduction carries the genetic characteristics of the parents into   the new individua