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Class 10 board questions from Language and literature

What type of questions are asked in board exams Class 10?

As per the CBSE exam pattern for class 10 2024, the type of questions asked in the examination are Very Short Answer (VSA) type, Short Answer  (SA) type, and Long Answer (LA) type.

ENGLISH (Language and Literature) 

1. Attempt questions given below in 40-50 words each. 4 x 3 = 12

(a) What did Pranjol and Rajvir do during the journey ? Why ?

(b) Who read the letter sent by Lencho ? What did he do then ?

(c) Where is Coorg located ? Write any two characteristics of the people of Coorg ?

 (d) How does the poem ‘The Tale of Custard The Dragon’ differ from the traditional ballad ?

(e) What does the Buddha say about the world ?


(a) Pranjol – either read detective stories or listened to Rajvir. Rajvir enjoyed greenery outside and shared his knowledge about tea with Pranjol.

 - Pranjol had lived in the tea garden since childhood so he was not very interested

– Rajvir found the experience unique and exciting.

(b) who - Postmaster read

i. became serious – impressed with Lencho’s faith in God

ii. decided to help him

iii. asked for and collected contribution from post office employees – himself – put it in envelope with a letter with God written.

(c) where - Located midway between Mysore and coastal town of Mangalore

 i. people fiercely independent ii. brave iii. martial traditions

(d) Ballad – a song or poem that tells a story of courage or heroism. Dragon – courageous but is also cowardly in a humorous way. The use of humour in the poem is a deviation from tradition. Hero not brave but coward.

 (e) Everything in this world is transitory. One can find peace after accepting the truth of life and giving up all sorts of selfishness.

2. Attempt questions given below in 40-50 words each : 2 x 3 = 6

(a) Why does Anil not hand over Hari Singh to the police ?

(b) What opinion did Mr. Weiherer, Ebright’s Social Science teacher have about him ?

(c) What was Mr. Herriot’s strict advice ? Did Mrs. Pumphrey agree to his advice ?


(a)  Anil was a kind man/ He wanted to give a second chance to Hari/ Anil knew this will fill Hari’s heart with faith in goodness otherwise he would have become a hardened criminal. (any two will be accepted)

(b)Believed Ebright to be competitive in a good sense / was hard working / put in extra efforts in everything he did / not interested in Prizes/ good at managing time.

(c) Advised Mrs Pumphrey to give dog less to eat / cut down on sweets / give him plenty of exercise. - Mrs Pumphrey agreed but didn’t act on it.

10. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words :

(a) Whenever we want to achieve something, difficulties always come in our way. What did Valli have to do to go and ride in a bus ?

(b) Through the story of Kisa Gotami, what did the Buddha try to preach to the common man ?

Ans: (a) Valli was discreet, wanted to do the bus ride without her mother’s knowledge, planned meticulously – watched the bus, its schedule, listened to people’s conversation about their journey – fare — saved — money collected 60 paise. Resisted temptation to spend money

(b) Death is common to all – Kisa’s only son died – could not accept – asked for help – approached Buddha – asked her to procure handful of mustard seeds – condition – should bring seeds from a house where no one has ever died – could not find any such house – disappointed – watched city lights flickering – realised that death is inevitable.

3. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words :

(a) Education is always a great asset in the life of a woman. How did Bholi, an educated girl, face the challenge posed by Bishamber’s greed ?

(b) Those who are satisfied with what they have are happy in life. Those who aspire more than what they can afford ruin their life. Matilda was one such person. If she were content with her life she would have led a happy life. Elaborate on the basis of the chapter ‘The Necklace.’

Ans: (a) Education gave Bholi the confidence to reject the marriage on hearing demands of dowry. Importance of education in one’s life – the transformation – change in the quality of life. Bholi received encouragement from a teacher – got good education Bishambar’s greed – Bholi’s courage to reject greedy demands – bold step – confidence. 

(b) Money is responsible for not only bringing happiness but also misery – greed leads to destruction – essential to be satisfied with what one gets – Mrs. Loisel wanted lavish life – borrowed necklace from friend – lost it – Loisels spent all their savings and 10 years to repay the loan taken to replace the lost necklace – all this because of her overambitious nature. 

Prt-2Attempt any four out of the five questions given below in 40-50 words each.

(a) What did Pranjol and Rajvir do during the journey ? Why ? 

(b) Who read the letter sent by Lencho ? What did he do then ? 

(c) Where is Coorg located ? Write any two characteristics of the people of Coorg ? 

(d) How did the other pets celebrate Custard getting rid of the pirate ? 

 (e) What does Kisa Gotami ask for when she goes from house to house after she speaks with Buddha ? Does she get it ? Why ? Why not ? 

Ans: (a) Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist monk, cut off his eyelids, felt sleepy during meditation, ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids, leaves fell in hot water, drove away sleep 

 (b)  What - hoped for good rainfall Why  rain promised good yield  crops only source of income.  black clouds were approaching (any one)

(c) What  risk of flying through dark, stormy clouds  danger of accident, damage to plane (any one) Why?

 he wanted to enjoy English breakfast with his family. 

 (d)  felt suffocated  controlled and always instructed by her mother  felt curtailed  wanted freedom  sensitive girl  indulges in day dreaming. Accept any other relevant answer (any two) 

(e) Value Points:  he saw a sick man, an aged man, a funeral procession and a monk begging for alms  saw the sufferings of the world  saw poverty, old age, death and sickness


1. Read the following questions and answer any four of the five questions given below : 4 ´ 3 = 12

(a) What did Kisa Gotami do after the death of her only son ?

(b) What are the raindrops compared to and why ?

(c) How is the Goan baker still an important part of the life of a Goan village ?

(d) How did Chubukov react when Lomov asked for the hand of his daughter in marriage ?

(e) Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid ?

Ans: (a) Kisa Gotami – grief stricken – carried her dead child to all her neighbours –asking for medicine / went to Budhha and asked to revive her child

(b) raindrops are compared to new coins – cents – big drops ten cents and small coins – five cents

hopes these raindrops will bring him rich crop.

(c) In Goa no feast/celebration/festival is possible without bread – sweet bread known as bol

cakes and bolinhas – must for Christmas / mother has to make sandwiches at daughter’s engagement

(d) Chubukov is overjoyed / happily accepts the proposal – He took Lomov in his arms kissed him / said he always considered him as his son.

(e) She is fed up of her nagging parents

 She wants to be alone/ wants to be the sole occupant of sea – free as a mermaid

2. Read the following questions and answer any two of the three questions that follow : 2 ´ 3 = 6

(a) Why did Hari Singh smile in his most appealing way towards the end of the story ?

(b) What excuses did Mrs. Pumphrey make about Mr. Herriot’s advice ?

 (c) What lesson did Ebright learn when he did not win anything at a science fair ?

Ans. (a) Hari Singh knew that Anil was aware of his act of theft – Anil didn’t call the police– had forgiven Hari – so Hari Singh smiled.

(b) · made excuses – gardener ill – no exercise for Tricki · dog loved chocolates and cream cakes – so she obviously wouldn’t refuse him. · Tricki looked weak so she fed him food (Any two)

(c) · realised science is not about neat display · science is about innovation/ experimentation

3. Answer any one of the following questions in 100-120 words

(a) Motivation plays an important role in taking risks in life and in succeeding. Do you agree ? Discuss with reference to the pilot of the old Dakota and the young seagull.

(b) Valli was an extra-ordinary girl who had self-confidence and courage to realise her ambition by planning and drawing on her spirit of adventure. Discuss in reference to the chapter ‘Madam Rides the Bus’.

Ans: (a) · Agreement with the given statement · Motivation of the pilot: to spend time with his family – to have an English breakfast - took the risk to fly into the storm · Motivation of the young seagull: hunger and desire for food made him dive at the fish – thus he made his first flight.

(b)  · extraordinary girl and self-confidence: she was just eight years old when she travelled in the bus alone and completed the journey successfully

· Courage and planning: Valli’s earnest desire was to ride on a bus – she didn’t let anything come in the way – planned meticulously –saved money for the fare – collected the information about the bus schedule and journey – escaped the eyes of the mother while going out of and coming into the house

4. Answer any one of the following questions in 100-120 words :

 (a) Destiny had been cruel to Bholi yet she made a place for herself in a conservative society. Discuss.

(b) Matilda was very proud of her beauty and charm and this led to her downfall. Elaborate.

Ans:  (a) How the destiny was cruel to Bholi: 1 ½ marks

§ Fell from the cot at a young age which made her a dull learner

§ She used to stammer § Suffered smallpox and had pock marks on her face

§ Ignored and neglected by her parents

§ Was forced to marry a man of her father’s age (any three points) How did Bholi make a place for herself in the society: 1 ½ marks

§ got an opportunity to educate herself

§ teacher motivated her – got education and cured her stammering

§ education gave her the confidence to take stand against the social evil of dowry system – refused to marry the old grocer Bishamber Nath

§ empowered by education, she was confident to take care of her parents in their old age

§ decided to become a teacher in the same school where she studied (any three points) 

(b) · Matilda wanted a luxurious lifestyle - remained unhappy with her mediocre life

· she wanted to look most beautiful in the party / ball - borrowed an expensive necklace

· lost the necklace and went in debt - returning the heavy sum of money ruined her life

Reference to the Context of book



CBSE Class 10 English Answer Key


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