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CBSE Class 10 HOTS Questions English


1. Babuli’s journey to his village was a journey to his past. Elucidate.

2. “Mother was not to been seen anywhere at the vicinity.” Comment upon the helplessness of the mother.

3. Babuli’s wife was already waiting for this event to take place. In the light of her behaviour bring out the materialistic greed taking precedence over familial ties.

4. Though Babuli had not been visiting home, but the news of partition made him feel orphaned. Comment upon the hidden fears that Babuli had.

5. Nowadays people are more inclined towards nuclear families than joint families. Comment upon the ‘I, me, mine’ attitude predominant among the present day youth.

6. Compare and contrast the responses of Babuli and his middle brother to the division of family property.


1. Media’s nature of sensationalizing small and big issues has been highlighted in the story. Giving references from the lesson explain the statement.

2. Although Cutie Pie is an alien yet he exhibits intense human emotions. Elaborate.

3. At various places in the story we realize that Che-tsal is an intelligent little creature. Point out the instances, which show this.

4. You are one of the scientists taking care of Che-stal. Write a letter to Dr. Spock, your senior, seeking his help in saving the alien.

5. On the basis of your reading of the lesson ‘Cutie pie’ point out the similarities between Cutie Pie and the humans, physical and mental.

6.One does not actually need words to communicate when one is in sync with another. Comment on the comfort level between Cutie Pie and C. H. Winters.


1. The postmaster had been doing his duty with a stern face. But one day he realized that a letter is not just scribbled words. It carries the warmth of relationship. He decides to make his staff aware of his feelings and ask them to be more sensitive towards the people they interact with. Write a speech on behalf of the postmaster, which he would deliver in the next staff meeting.

2. Age and experience mellow down a person. Comment with reference to the change in Ali’s outlook.

3. Comment why Ali’s journey to the post office has been considered as a pilgrimage?

4. ‘Stars still glowed, as happy memories light up a life that is nearing its close.’ Comment on the relevance of the above remark in the context of the story ‘The Letter’.

5. Karmic theory focusses on the dictum, ‘as you sow so shall you reap’. Discuss with reference to the story ‘The Letter’.

6. Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. It is only after his daughter fell ill that the postmaster realized what Ali was going through. Full of remorse you express your feelings in your entry in your diary. Write the diary entry.


1. War and terrorism play havoc in the lives of innocent people. Comment.

2. “We were in war, too, but we were children”. Comment upon the impact of war on the lives and minds of children.

3. Grandmother was an epitome of strength and sacrifice. Elucidate.

4. Narrator and her family were victims of the civil war going on in the country.

5. Grandmother never wanted to go back to her home. Elucidate the effect of war on her mind and soul, which marked her for life.

6.An individual’s response to circumstances gives us an insight into his or her character. Comment upon the responses of the grandfather and the grandmother to the tragedy that had befallen them.


1. As the play proceeds we start liking Scrooge though initially we want to hate him. Why do you think our attitude as readers changes?

2. What does Charles Dickens wish to achieve through the play “Christmas Carol”?

3. “Scrooge and Fred are poles apart”. Compare and contrast their characters.

4. Do you think Mr. Scrooge was inherently a good man or the fear of hell made him change his ways?

5. What intention of the playwright is reflected in the making the three ghosts visit Scrooge?

6. Money cannot buy happiness. Compare and contrast the lives of Mr. Scrooge and Mr. Cratchit in light of this statement.


1. Do you think Caeser’s death can be attributed to his failure to reads the omens properly or do the omens merely presage the inevitable?

2. How does Caesar continue to wield power over events even after his death?

3. The play ‘Julius Caesar’ focusses on the struggle between powerful individuals. What role do the plebians play in this struggle?

4. Who is the protagonist of the play- Caesar, who dies well before the end but whose power and name continue on or Brutus, the noble man, who falls because of his flaws?

5. Is rigidity and inflexibility of character an admirable trait or a flaw? Discuss Caeser and Brutus in light of the above statement.

6. The spoken word carries more weight. Discuss with reference to speeches of Brutus and Antony.


1. A scorpion attacks in self-defence but Man kills for pleasure or power. So do you think it is right to call the scorpion ‘the evil one’? Justify your answer.

2. When in dire need, all logic and reasoning fail. Explain with regard to the actions of the father in ‘Night of the Scorpion’.

3. Though illiterate, the peasants come up with their own explanation for mother’s suffering. What is their line of reasoning?

4. Even in danger a mother’s first thoughts are for the safety of her children. How is this exemplified in ‘Night of the Scorpion’?

5. What role does the weather play in heightening the drama in ‘Night of the Scorpion’?

6. The role of the holy man is of prime importance in solving the problems of the illiterate peasants. Comment with regard to ‘Night of the Scorpion’.


  1. The West Wind acts as a driving force for change and rejuvenation in human and natural world. Explain.
  2. The word ‘quivering’ is not just used to describe the reflection of images in water. It is also used to show a sense of fear, whic seems to be the most common mood and emotion in the poem. Justify.
  3. “Ode to the West Wind” is a symbolic poem. Discuss.
  4. The words ‘unextinguished hearth’ represents the poet’s undying passion. Justify.
  5. Bring out the relation between the West Wind and the speaker (poet).
  6. Do you think, the youth has the power, which, if used constructively can bring about a change in the society. How?


1. The poem describes the present scenario of our social world as to how a person who is doing well in life is pulled down. Comment

2. Nowadays it is survival of the smartest and not the fittest. Comment keeping the frog in mind.

3. The character of the frog and the nightingale epitomize vice and virtue respectively. Elucidate.

4. The poem portrays the need for everyone to realize their own capacities, capabilities, potential and limitations. Comment keeping the nightingale in mind.

5. Talent alone is not enough to succeed in today’s world. Comment on the success of the frog and the failure of the nightingale.

6. The nightingale is unable to take the constant pressure to perform and succumbs to it. Relate its experience to your own as a Board class student and write about the pressure on you to excel.


1. ‘Mirror’ reflects the inner turmoil of Sylvia Plath. Comment.

2. The reader is positioned to see the mirror as an unsympathetic observer. Justify.

3. Everyone uses a mirror. Based on your own experience and the reading of the poem, describe its qualities.

4. Mirror represents truth and truth is disturbing. Explain.

5. Comment on the symbolic significance of the comparison of the woman with a terrible fish in the poem ‘Mirror’.

6. Mirror is man’s best friend in youth and the worst enemy in oldage. Comment with reference to the poem ‘Mirror’.


1. S. T. Coleridge in his poem highlights the Christian concept of sin, repentance, punishment and redemption. Explain.

2. Sailors hail Albatross as a “Christian soul”. Illustrate.

3. The other mariners kept changing their opinion about the killing of Albatross. What does this reveal about their character?

4. Do you think the ancient mariner did the right thing by killing the bird? Justify your answer.
Was it right on the part of the other mariners to hang a dead Albatross around the neck of the ancient mariner? Give reasons for your answer.

Compare and contrast the state of mind of the wedding guest and the mariner.

A. 2- Read the following poem and answer the questions that follows: 8 marks

Her arms across her breast she laid,

She was more fair than words can say.

Barefooted came the beggar-maid.

Before the king

In robe and crown the king step down,

To meet and greet on her way.

‘It’s no wonder’ said the lords.

‘She is more beautiful than day’

As shines the moon in clouded skies,

She in her poor attire was seen,

One praised her ankles, one her eyes,

One her dark hair and lovely smile,

So sweet a face, such angel grace

In all that land had never been,

The king swore a royal oath,

‘This beggar-maid shall be my queen!

A 2. 1-(a) Who was the beggar mind ?

(b) With which two aspects of nature is compared with ?

(c) How did the king act on seeing the maid ?

(d) Why were,nt the lord surprised when the king went down ?

A 2.2 On the basis of your reading of the poem. Complete the following.

(a) Give two words which show the beggar’s maid way of dressing…….

(b) Name a celestial being she is compared to……….

(c) Give another word for ‘regal promise’……..

(d) In one line describe the king’s simplicity………


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