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Solve Sample paper [Biology] Summative Assessment – II

1. Which animal tissue is commonly known as packaging tissue? [1]

Ans: Areolar Tissue

2. What do you mean by photoperiod? Name two processes that are dependent on photoperiod.[2]

Ans: Photoperiod is related to exposure of plants to the duration of sunlight.

Germination, growth and flowering (any two) in case of plants are dependent on Photoperiod.

3. What will happen if: 
i) the skin epithelium is not stratified. 
ii) Stratified squamous epithelium lines blood vessels. [2]

Ans: i) There will be no protection to the inner layers and wear and tear will be more.

       ii) The exchange of substances through selectively permeable surface cannot take place.

4. Name the target organ/organ system of AIDS virus. What is the cause of death in case of people suffering from AIDS? [2]

Ans: Lymph nodes/Immune System.
In absence of a strong Immune system ,minor infections can turn in to serious problems.

5.To increase productivity per unit area ,the farmers grow two different types of crops on the same field in definite rows. What is this practice called? What care is required to be taken before selecting two crops for such practice and why? Give any two reasons [3.]

Ans: Intercropping
The nutrient requirements of two crops are different
i) Maximum utilization of the nutrients.
ii) Prevents spread of pests and diseases to all plants belonging to one crop in a field.

6. Draw a neat diagram of the leaf epidermis showing pores through which exchange of gases takes place. Label any two parts giving one function of each.[3]

Ans: Guard cell- closing and opening of stomata
Stomata- exchanging gases with atmosphere
Epidermis-Protection to all parts of plant

7.i) Which of the following diseases are protozoan in origin?
   a) Dengue b)Malaria c)Kalaazar d)AIDS
  ii) Suggest any two ways you would like to adopt, to prevent being infected by them

Ans: i) Malaria and Kalaazar
(a)We should not throw waste or garbage in open in the street (b) There should not be open drain with stagnant water

8. i)Write any three differences between Procaryotic and Eucaryotic cell.
   ii) Draw a neat diagram of a typical prokaryotic cell and label any two parts.[5]

Ans: i) Procaryotic cell                                 Eucaryotic cell
(a) Nuclear region poorly defined                 ( a)Nuclear region well defined and  surrounded by a due to lack of nuclear membrane                            nuclear membrane.
(b) Single chromosome                                   (b)More than one chromosome
(c) Membrane bound cell organelles               (c)membrane bound cell organelles absent. Present

9. (a) Define the following terms:[5]
             (i) Lichens (ii) Cryptogamae (iii) Phanerogams
    (b) Why whales are not grouped in the fishes?
    (c) What is bilateral symmetry?

Ans: (a)
(i) Lichens: Some fungal species live in permanent mutually dependent relationships with blue-green algae. Such relationships are called symbiotic and the symbiotic life forms are called lichens.

(ii) Cryptogamae: The reproductive organs of the thallophytes, the bryophytes and the pteridophytes are very inconspicuous and are therefore, called 'cryptogamae'. It means the plants with 'hidden reproductive organs'.
(iii) Phanerogams: The plants with well differentiated reproductive tissues that ultimately make seeds are called 'phanerogams'.

(b) Whales can swim in water like the fishes but are not fish as they respire with lungs and have four chambered heart and mammary glands, so they are mammals.

(c) When the body of an organism can be cut into two similar halves which are mirror image of each other, only by one plane then the organism is said to have bilateral symmetry

10. (a) Give reasons for the following:[5]
(i) Bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom.
(ii) From Phylum Platyhelminthes onwards, animals are categorized as 'triploblastic'.
(iii) The presence of 'coelom' in an animal's body is considered as advantageous.
(b) What are oviparous animals?
(c) Name the phylum in which pharyngeal gill slits are present.

Ans: (a) (i) Just like amphibians, bryophytes require water for fertilization as their gametes require aqueous medium for movement.

(ii) There are three layers of cells from which differentiated tissues can be made. This allows inside and outside body linings as well as some organs to be made. There is thus some degree of tissue formation.

(iii) Coelom is a true internal body cavity in which well-developed organs can be accommodated.

(b) The animals which lay eggs are known as oviparous animals.

(c) Chordata.

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