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Q1)Name a bacteria found in human intestine?

Ans-coliform bacteria is found in human intestine.

Q2)Which is the easiest method to detect water pollution?

Ans-pH detection using the universal indicator.

Q3)A person lives near a forest.Enlist 4 items which he can get from forests to meet his daily needs.

Ans-food, fodder,fuel and medicinal plants.

Q4)Why are forest called “biodiversity hot spot”?

Ans-forest are rich in most of the species of flora and fauna.All species of plants like bryophyte,pteridophyta,ferns, gymnosperms,angiosperms and animal species from amoeba to man are found.

Q5)Name 4 substances that can be recycled.

Ans-glass,plastics,metals and paper.

Q6)What do you mean by the trm sustainable development?

Ans-Sustainable development means to meet the needs of present generation ,without foreclosing the options of future generation,to keep balance between development and environment.

Q7)How does mining lead to pollution?

Ans-mining causes pollution because the large amount of slag is discarded for every tonne of metal extracted in the earth.

Q8)”Coal and petroleum are converted forms of solar energy”.is this statement correct?

Ans-this is statement is correct because millions of years ago the raw material from which coal and petroleum are derived were daed and decayed plants , which when were living photosynthesized by solar energy.

Q9)Hydroelectric power is also an indirect form of solar

Ans-hydroelectric power is indirect form of energy, because the water which is stored in dams is rainwater and rainfall occurs due to evaporation of water from water bodies due to heat of the sun.

Q10)Writeatleast two ways by which people of ancient India managed water resources?

Ans-a)kulhs in Himachal Pradesh (b)khadins in rajasthan.

Q11)What will happen if loss of biodiversity occurs?

Ans-when loss of biodiversity will occur ,it will lead to ecological crisis, the foodcahins and food webs will get disturbed and resources will not be available for future generations.

Q12)What strategies should be adopted such that forest products are used and the environment also does not get disturbed?

Ans- a)reforestation and afforestation to remake forests.
        b)not allowing monoculture of plants.
       c)employment of local people for maintenance of forests .
       d)killing of animals should be banned.Steps to create awareness among people to save the              
       endangered flora and fauna should be taken.

Q13)Besides conservation of wildlife and forest , suggest some ways which can improve our environment.

Ans - a)water conservation , mainly fresh water.
         b)use of coal and petroleum should be done judiciously as its sources are limited.
        c)recyclable material such as paper, glass ,metals should be segregated from the                    
         trash.Biodegradable trash should be used for bioenergy through fermentation and anaerobic        
         respiration to produce biogas.
         d)oxides of sulphur and nitrogen should not be released into the atmosphere.
Q14)What is watershed management?what is its aim and what are the benefits?

Ans-watershed management is a scientific way of developing primary and secondary sources of water .Its main aim is to develop primary sources of land and water and use scientific methods to increase the biomass production as secondary sources so that no ecological imbalance occurs.They work on rejuvenating ancient and traditional way of water storage along with mega- projects like dams and reservoir

Q15)what you can do as an individual to reduce consumption of various nature resoources and help in environment conservation?

Ans a)follow 3 R’s(reduce,recycle, and reuse)
        b)wastage of paper and water can be reduced .
        c)extra food should be given to poor instead of throwing it.
        d)plastic, polythene, metal cans can be recycled.e)wastage of electricity, petrol, diesel, LPG can be    


1. What will be the effect of increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere on the average temperature of the earth. 

Ans. The average temperature of the earth will increase.

2. Why is it necessary to conserve our environment?

Ans Conservation of environment is required for preventing damage to environment and depletion of natural resources

3. Which of the following is the major constituents of biogas. CO2, H2, CH4, CO.


4.Which of the following pollutants of air would affect the capacity of blood in human bodies to absorb O2 from lungs . NO2 SO4,CO,CO2


5. Where was CHIPKO MOVEMENT started?

Ans: Reni in Garhwal.

6. What will be the result of presence of excess amount of CO2 in environment.

Ans.Green house effect.

7.What are the two major benefits of dams?

Ans. 1. Irrigation 2. To produce electricity.

8.What are kulhs?

Ans.Kulhs are age old concepts of water harvesting used in Himachal Pradesh.

9.List any two systems of water harvesting.

Ans Ponds and check dams

10 How is the increase in demand for energy affecting atmosphere?

Ans. Increased consumption of fossil fuels is releasing a lot of polluting gases some of which are causing Global Warming and producing acid rain


1.Write two advantages of classifying energy sources as renewable and non renewable.

(a).A judicious use of non renewable energy source so as to prevent its depletion. 
(b) Increasing use of renewable energy source but not beyond its renew ability.

2. Why should we conserve forests? Suggest any two ways of conserving forests.

Ans.1.Forests provides us O2 which is required for living –Natural habitat, prevent soil erosion, and regulate water cycle.

2.They protect the soil, retain and regulate flow of rain water. 

Ans: Conservation of forests:
i.afforestation and reforestation 
ii.Social forestry.

3.What are fossil fuels. Give two examples of fossil fuels.

Ans .Fossil fuels are energy yielding combustible substances that have been formed millions of years ago by compression and anaerobic heating of organic matter. Ex coal and petroleum.

4.Write the ecological functions of forests.

Ans .Forests regulate climate they help in retaining rain water and its storage they control soil erosion and occurance of floods.

5.What is chipko movement? How did this movement ultimately benefit the local populations and the environment. 

Ans.It was a movement initiated by local people in Reni Village of Gharwal Region to oppose and protect trees in the forest.

6. How do the forests get depleted? What are its consequences?

Ans. Clearing forests for agriculture, roads canals, human habitation and building dams. Consequences: less rain fall, climatic change.

7 .Suggest any two measures for controlling Co2 levels in the atmosphere.

Ans. 1.Increased vegetation cover. 2. Using alternate sources of energy.

8 Why are Arabari forests of Bengal known to be good example of conserved forests.

Ans: Sal forests of south western districts of West Bengal regenerated with people participation.
Ans. Because villagers were involved in the protection of 1272 hectares of badly degraded sal forests. In return for help in protection villager,s were given employment in both silviculture and harvesting operations. 25% of final harvest was given to them and they were allowed fuel wood and fodder collection on nominal fee.

9.Why are environmentalists insisting upon sustainable natural resource management?Give any three reasons.
Ans. Equitable distribution, controlled exploitation, minimum wastage, disposal of waste.

10. Suggest any two ways of utilizing waste water.
(i).Treated municipal water can be poured in irrigation channels for supply to crop fields.
2. Sewage sludge separated from waste water is a source of manure compost and bio gas


1. Briefly describe Ganga action plan.

Hint. Details of steps taken to reduce pollution.

2. Explain the methods of water harvesting 

hint. check dams , khadins,kuhls etc of different states.
3. Quote three instances where human interventions saved the forests.

1. Silent valley(Kerala) 2. Garwal Himalayas. 3. Kelase Forests.:

4. T here are four main stake holders when it comes to forests and wild life Which among these should be the authority to decide the management of forest produce? Why?

HINT people, forest department, industrialists, wild life and nature enthusiasts. People  living around the forest area

5. What is the importance of water harvesting.

Hint Importance in ground water recharging ,irrigation, drinking water supply

6. An environmentalist on your visit to your school suggested the use of three R‘s to save the environment.explain the three R‘s

Hint .Reduce Reuse Recycle.

7.What is meant by sustainable management? The environmentalists are insisting upon sustainable natural resources management?State four advantages.

Ans .It is controlling the use of resources in such a way so as to provide for its equitable and continuous availability not only to the present generation without any harmful impact on the environment.

Four advantages:
Equitable distribution, controlled exploitation,minimum wastage,disposal of waste

8 What is a dam? Write two main advantages and two illeffects of constructing a big dam

Ans. Dam is a large water reservoir built across a stream by holding back water during rainy seasons.

Advantages: prevention of floods, irrigation Ill effects.
1. Displacement of large people.
2. Ecological problems.

9. Why is replenishment of forests necessary?

1. To maintain Ecological balance.
2. To prevent Soil erosion
3. To reduce the amount CO2 in atmosphere and check Global Warming.
4. To maintain rain fall.
5. They control occurrence of floods.
6. Provides habitat to animals.

10. List four changes you would incorporate in your life style in a move towards sustainable use of available resources.

Hint some changes in the life style


CBSE ADDA :By Jsunil Sir : Your Ultimate Destination for CBSE Exam Preparation and Academic Insights

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