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CBSE 7th_Class Science Sample Paper

SUBJECT – SCIENCE CLASS – VII Marks: 100 Time: 2:30 Hrs

1. All questions are to be attempted

2. All questions of section A carries 1 mark each, section B carries 2 marks each, section C carries 3 marks each and section D carries 5 marks each.

             SECTION – A

[I] Answer in one word / name the following: – (1 x 10 = 10)
1. Insect eating plants.

2. Parts of black sheep which gives wool.

3. Two regions of the earth with extreme climatic conditions.

4. Acid found in spinach.

5. Best top soil for growing plants.

6. The average weather taken over a long time.

7. Any natural indicator.

8. Rotting dead matter in the soil.

9. Two methods by which rusting of iron can be prevented

10. A dark funnel shaped cloud that reaches from the sky to the ground.

[II] Fill in the blanks: (1 x 5 = 5)
1. HCL + NAOH =_________ + __________

2. The lion tailed macaque (Beard ape) is found in rain forests of ___________ Ghats.

3. Wind is _____________ air.

4. High speed winds accompanying a cyclone can damage ___________and telephones.

5. Teeth which fall off at ages between six to eight are called __________ teeth.

SECTION – B (2 X 15 = 30)
[I] Answer all the following questions:-

1. Give two examples each of conductors and insulators of heat?

2. Name different parts of alimentary canal?

3. What do you understand by galvanisation?

4. What are Villi? What is their function?

5. Why holes are made in hanging banners and hoardings?

6. Describe the function of heart?

7. Write two ways to prevent soil erosion?

8. Complete chemical equations:-
(a) Glucose ( in Presence of oxygen)--------------->
(b) Glucose (Absence of oxygen ) -------------->

9. Why do we get instant energy from glucose?

10. Write two differences between clayey and sandy soil?

11. Name the species from which angora wool is obtained? It is found in which region?

12. When baking soda is mixed with lemon juice, bubbles are formed with the evolution of gas. What type of change is it?

13. Why an antacid tablet is taken when we suffer from acidity?

14. What do you understand by ‘rumination’?

15. Why do we wear woollen clothes in winter?

[I] Answer the following: – (3 x 10 = 30)

1. Write any three differences between clinical and laboratory thermometer?

2. Name part of the plant;-

a) Which absorb water from soil?

b) Which makes food

c) Tiny pores through which leaves respire.

3. Define a) Shearing b) Sericulture.

4. Give technical term for:-

a) Muscular floor of chest cavity.

b) Air tubes of insects.

c) The opening through which we inhale.

5. Differentiate between acids and bases (any three)?

6. Explain what will happen if there are no platelets in the blood?

7. Write three adaptations of polar bear?

8. List the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration (any three)?

9. Why rusting of iron object is faster in coastal areas than in deserts?

10. Define transpiration. Does it serve any useful function in the plants?(any two)

SECTION – D  (5 x 5 = 25)
[I ]Answer the following:-

1. Write two differences in the following:

a) Autotrophs and Heterotrophs (with examples)

b) Parasite and Saprotroph.

2. How do the elephant living in a tropical rainforest adapt itself (any five)?

3. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of human respiratory system?

4. List five precautions that we should take care while staying in a cyclone hit area?

5. Draw a neat and labelled schematic diagram of blood circulation?

OR , Draw a neat and labelled diagram of soil profile?


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